The granary was built to serve the parish in the mid-19th century. It is representative of neoclassical architecture. It fulfilled its original purpose for about 80 years, although it stopped functioning as a granary in 1963. The granary building was taken over by the Ruovesi Cooperative in the mid-1950s. It then served as a warehouse for the shop until it was sold to the municipality of Ruovesi in 1986.
Nowadays, the Ruovesi granary is an open art exhibition space in the summer. The granary is located right in the centre of Ruovesi, at Ruovedentie 5.
Ruovesi tourist information beg. July–mid. August, open daily 11am–6pm. Tel: +358 44 787 1388. Email: matkailu(at)ruovesi.fi (service in Finnish and English).