Ship wharf
Guest harbour: Laivarannantie 5, 34600 Ruovesi
Ruovesi marina can accomodate about 120 boats. Piers A and B are reserved for people with season-long berthing. Pier C acts as a guest pier for short-term berthing subject to daily charges. No reservations are taken for short-term berthing: if there is space on Pier C, anyone can berth there and, whenever a boat leaves, the berth is freed up for the next user. The new part of Pier A also has some space: berths that have a blue sign reading “VARATTU” are reserved for people with season-long berthing but berths without signs can be used freely.
Other services at the marina
Church boats: Ruovesi local heritage association, two church boats to hire (15 pairs of oars).
Swimming near the marina.
Runeberg’s spring, "acessible by" coastal trail 600 m.
Ruoveden Rantaravintola, shoreside restaurant open in the summer.
S/S Tarjanne, a ship operating the route between Tampere and Virrat from the beginning of June to the beginning of August.
M/S Katrina, a restaurant ship at the marina in the summer time.
Ruovesi tourist information open daily in summer 11am–6pm. Tel: +358 44 787 1388. Email: matkailu(at) (service in Finnish and English).